The EDLI Scheme: Employees Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme

Get life insurance for free using the EDLI scheme - Benefits of EDLI scheme, eligibility criteria for EDLI scheme, Claim process and documents

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EDLI full form

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EDLI stands for Employees Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme. This scheme offers social security benefits to private sector employees.

EDLI death benefits

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The EDLI scheme or the Employees Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme provides a life insurance type cover to private sector employees. 

When an employee dies during active terms of service, the insurance covered is offered to the family of the employee. Even if the death of the employee takes place outside the country, the cover amount is paid to the dependent family members.

Every employee enrolled under the EDLI scheme is covered uniformly without any exclusions.

EDLI death claim calculation

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The EDLI death claim calculation with effect from April 24, 2021, is as follows

In case the employee withdraws a salary of ₹15,000

  • The average monthly salary of the employee (salary withdrawn for the last 12 months by the employee) * 30
  • An addition of ₹2.5 lakhs is added to the above calculation as a bonus
  • Hence, the maximum amount paid will be ₹7 lakhs 
  • If an employee withdraws a monthly salary which is higher than ₹15,000, then the maximum claim amount will be ₹6 lakhs.
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