FBP 101: Ultimate Guide to Flexi Benefits Plan

A guide to HRs who are looking to understand Flexible Benefit Plans (FBP) in salary. Know the challenges, end-to-end process to implement FBP.

FAQs on Flexi benefits plan

Have questions? We are here to help

Is Flexi pay part of CTC?

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Yes, Flexi pay is a part of CTC and not over and above CTC. You can find flexi benefits components as a part of CTC breakup.

What are Flexi benefits examples?

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Food and beverage, telecom (including WiFi), fuel, learning and development, gadgets and equipment are some of the common Flexi benefit plans examples.

What is an FBP declaration?

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FBP declaration involves employees stating the flexible components they wish to include in their CTC. By declaring these components while filing their income tax returns, employees can significantly decrease their taxes up to ₹59,460 depending on their tax slabs.

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