Difference Between GMC Insurance and GPA Insurance Policy

Find out the difference between GMC and GPA insurance policy. What is Group medical coverage & group personal accident? Which is better?

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What are GMC and GPA in insurance?

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Employers provide GMC (Group Medical Cover) and GPA (Group Personal Accident Cover) to employees. GMC provides health insurance coverage for hospitalization due to various medical conditions. Whereas, GPA provides health insurance coverage specifically for hospitalization resulting from on-road accidents. In the event of disability or death due to an accident, the employee/the family receives the total sum insured.

What is the difference between GMC and individual health insurance?

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The organization purchases GMC or Group Medical Cover for the employees. The premiums are cheaper due to group coverage. The employees can include their spouse, children and parents/parents-in-law based on the policy type. Individual health insurance covers only the policyholder and has higher premiums than GMC. GMC policy covers pre-existing disease and maternity costs without the addition of a rider.

What is GPA full form in insurance?

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GPA full form in insurance is Group Personal Accident Insurance/Cover. It is an insurance policy that covers hospitalisation expenses due to on-road accidents.

What is the difference between GTL and GPA?

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GTL or Group Term Life Insurance is a life insurance cover that provides a lump sum insured to the dependents insured in case of their death. However, a Group Personal Accident Cover (GPA) provides health insurance coverage to the employees in the case of hospitalization due to an accident and provides the sum insured in case of partial/permanent disability or death.

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