Top Insurance Brokers in India 2024

List of Top 5 insurance brokers in India. Here’s how you can choose the best insurance broker to get the best quotes. 1. Pazcare 2. Marsh


Have questions? We are here to help

Who is an insurance broker?

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An insurance broker is someone who is an intermediary between insurance companies and their customers. Insurance brokers help customers negotiate with multiple insurers and help them get the best quote.

Who are the top insurance brokers in India?

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Some of the top insurance brokers in India are Pazcare, Marsh India, Unison Brokers and Prudent Brokers.

What is the difference between an insurance broker and an insurance agent?

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The major difference between an insurance broker and insurance agent is that an insurance agent works for a single organization whereas an insurance broker deals with multiple organizations, comparing different products and helping clients get the best quote.

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