Guide to Group Health Insurance With Maternity Cover
Guide to Group Health Insurance With Maternity Cover


Group Health Insurance

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Pre And Post Hospitalization

What is pre hospitalization in group health insurance?

There are a lot of tests and diagnoses to be done before a patient is hospitalized. Doctors make sure that they are heading in the right direction for the treatment and hence leave no stones unturned.

In cases as such, the main question is what is pre-hospitalization expenses? As the name suggests, pre-hospitalization expenses are the various tests that are conducted, including blood tests, urine tests, X-rays, etc.

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Medical costs that the patient incurs before they are hospitalized are covered under pre-hospitalization insurance. In short, pre-hospitalization meaning is nothing but the cost subjected prior 30-days to hospitalization due to various tests that are covered by the insurance company. However, the pre-hospitalization period can vary according to the insurance company. Most insurance company offers a period between 30 to 60 days, to cover your pre hospitalisation expenses in your corporate health insurance.

What is post-hospitalization in insurance?

After the patient has been discharged, post-hospitalization expenses are incurred. Some of the post-hospitalization expenses include medicine, follow-ups, and tests. Post-hospitalization meaning is nothing but the expenses incurred by the patient during the post-hospitalization procedures.

A post-hospitalization period is generally up to 60 days post-hospitalization. Again, the post-hospitalization period can vary according to the insurance company's policies that offer you corporate medical insurance

How to claim pre and post-hospitalization expenses?

You have to fill out the claim form and send in the required documents to your insurer. Based on your insurer you can send it digitally or by post. Some insurers ask for both. In both pre and post-hospitalization claims, the original bills along with the discharge copies and doctors' certificates must be produced.

To download the claim form of your insurer for pre and post-hospitalization expenses, click here

To download the claim form of your insurer for pre and post-hospitalization expenses.

Also read: Network hospitals and non-network hospitals

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